Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shea Vaughn Talks SheaNetics®

"I'm grateful my mom took the time to share her passion in this book. Her work ethic and her optimism have always inspired me."—Vince Vaughn, Son, Actor

Shea Vaughn, mother of actor Vince Vaughn, is a 25-year veteran of the fitness industry. As a fitness expert. professional trainer and wellness coach. Vaughn has become a spokeswoman for creating well-being at any age with her book Breakthrough: The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great, and Find Total Well-Being. In Breakthrough, Vaughn offers women her Five Living Principles, along with a self-styled Eastmeets-West lifestyle, wellness and exercise practice developed from her decades of training in many disciplines and influenced by eastern philosophy, tailored to address specific issues facing women over 45. "The Five Living Principles of Well-Being: Commitment, Perseverance, Self-Control, Integrity, and Love, are an inspirational force in helping me create a positive lifestyle with a healthy body and the supportive mental and emotional paradigm to deal with changing and demanding times," says Vaughn. "One encourages the other and together they help you find balance, self-confidence and a personal state of well-being." Vaughn herself is no stranger to this phenomenon: a mother and entrepreneur, she has had similar personal challenges which led her to find a new way of living, including reconnecting her emotional health with her physical health and founding Sheanetics®, a revolutionary blend of ancient and contemporary values and movements that deliver a powerful mind-body experience. Followers of this practice get in shape, feel great and naturally make life-healthy choices.

In a broader sense, eastern thinking also generally embraces tenets or principles as a personal guide to living a good, healthy and rewarding life. SheaNetics® too embraces this same philosophy using our Five Living Principles of Well-Being as a thoughtful approach that encourages you to naturally make healthier choices and meaningful connections with others throughout your day. While many of us seek the health and balance that comes through creating harmony within our mind, body and heart, finding well-being can seem as challenging as climbing Mt. Everest. Really, it's more like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz who clicked her heels and realized the answers she had been searching for were there all along— just as SheaNetics® is there for you. Your body and mind are meant to move and to connect with others. SheaNetics® with its Five Living Principles of Well-Being are the catalyst for making those connections and more. 

UPBEAT What does SheaNetics® do— how does it work? 
Shea Vaughn: "SheaNetics® helps you to reshape and enhance the overall quality of your life. It gives you the mental strength and physical ability to make on-going life-healthy changes. The Principles are always with you. They inspire your workouts, as you build strength, flexibility and Tri-Core Power and are with you throughout the day encouraging you to make positive and beneficial choices in everything you do."

UPBEAT How is SheaNetics® different?
Shea Vaughn: "SheaNetics® is a really energizing blend of the best from many great and effective formats and adds in the special performance enhancing qualities of Tri-Core Power Training. Another key difference is that SheaNetics® is a lifestyle practiceb— help you develop a positive mental approach to making regular exercise and healthy decisions a natural part of your everyday lifestyle."

UPBEAT Can you share with all of us what SheaNetics® has actually done for some of your students? 
Shea Vaughn: "My students talk from their hearts. What they have shared with me is that SheaNetics® has evoked in each of them more thought and action about healthy living and being healthy than anything they have ever done before. They share with me how it has made real changes in their lives mentally and physically. Most important, their actions are no longer just reactive. They have the tools to help them think through their actions. Now they find themselves focused, 'in the moment' and better able to take more positive control of their lives, decide what they want to accomplish and how to do it."

UPBEAT How often do you need to do the workouts?
Shea Vaughn: "Ideally 2-3 times a week for 50 to 60 minutes each time or you can break it into 20 minute segments daily and add in some cardio."

UPBEAT How is eastern philosophy part of SheaNetics® and why are the Five Living Principles of Well-Being so important?
Shea Vaughn: "We sometimes say SheaNetics® is 'meditation in motion and thought' and this body-mind connection is very much a part of eastern philosophy. My development of SheaNetics® also gives a respectful nod to the gifted Bruce Lee who earlier in his career combined the different fighting styles and philosophies he had studied into a way of life he named Jeet Kune Do."

UPBEAT What are your future plans for SheaNetics®? 
Shea Vaughn: "I want to continue to share quality information, healthy tips and newsletters on wellness to anyone who is interested in creating and maintaining a life of well-being. Along these lines we have a radio show in pre-production, as well as a book that will be coming out later this year. The DVDs and CDs have been well received, so we'll continue to produce great new workouts and inspiring music. SheaNetics® has added jewelry to its products and has a book due out in fall of 2011. We also have an excitingly new and innovative exercise machine we hope to introduce later this year as well as plans to promote a SheaNetics® clothing line. So we're staying pretty busy."

UPBEAT How can we get started? 
Shea Vaughn: "Well, we all need the right tools for the job. Visiting the website and purchasing the SheaNetics® DVD/CD collection is a great way to begin. Do the workouts 2 to 3 times a week and add the same amount of cardio to make up the core of your workout program. Stay connected with SheaNetics® by signing up for the monthly newsletter and let the Five Living Principles of Well-Being be your guide to everyday living." 

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